Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No Longer Homeless

I got my arrêté de nomination!!!!! Even though I already knew I will be teaching in 2 schools in Nantes from emailing someone, it was still very exciting! It's now confirmed: I will be teaching at Lycée Polyvalent Monge La Chauvinière and Collège Le Breil in Nantes proper. Oh, I forgot the best news...

I have housing!!!!!

According to my arrêté de nomination, the high school I will be teaching at has a room for me for 85 euros (around $120) a month!!! I really lucked out! Now while everyone else will be stressing out about finding a place to live when they get to France, I will get to relax and focus on finding a bank and getting settled in. I don't know much about the room except that it is part of the school. Either they have a special room reserved for assistants, or it'll be a dorm-like setting with the students who go there and live at the school. Either way, I'm glad not to be homeless. Though I did want to live in Centre Ville so that I would be in walking distance of everything, cheap housing is winning out right now. I would be lucky to get an apartment for under 350 euros (around $500) a month so my room at the school is looking very nice right about now. Plus I am just a short bus/tram ride away from downtown. No complaints here!

Hopefully good luck keeps coming my way!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm Going Back to Nantes!!

Well July is more than halfway over and I still have not received my work contract. I did, however, email someone from the Rectorat de Nantes and found out I will be teaching in Nantes proper!! I was so happy and relieved to find out that I won't be stranded in the middle of the nowhere. I will be teaching at a lycée (high school) and collège (junior high) really close to the Université de Nantes.I am beyond excited!

Hopefully my work contract will come soon since my visa appointment is August 16th! Also, my work contract will most likely tell me whether or not I have housing at one of my schools. If not, I want to start looking at possible apartments and maybe figuring out a roommate situation with other assistants. If I do have housing at one of my schools, I still may want to find an apartment so that I can be in centre ville, but at least I would have somewhere to stay as soon as I arrive.

Here is a map of Nantes and my schools:,-1.501007&spn=0.125206,0.338173

Here are some pictures from last time I was in Nantes!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Still Waiting

Approximately 2.5 months left until I am in France!

This is my third week teaching summer school and with having to plan and teach two 2.5 hour classes each day, all I can think about is going to France in the Fall. I'm definitely looking forward to my 12 hours a week schedule after all these hours in summer school.

Unfortunately, I still have no idea what city/town I'll be teaching in. Assistants in most other academies have begun getting their work contracts, but no one in Nantes so far. A few people have gotten letters or email saying what city they're in. Not me. I am getting so anxious! It's really all I can think about, especially at school. I've even been having nightmares about being placed in the middle of nowhere. I just want to know!! The good news is I'll definitely find out by August 15th. The bad news is that's still over a month away. I will just have to try to be patient! It's difficult when so many other people are finding out, but I know I will eventually.